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Health + Wellness, In the Kitchen

The Whole30: Halfway There

My Whole30 journey is more than halfway completed and I’m so excited to share how things have been going! When I first started, on day two, I was all “oh I can do this, NO PROBLEM.” Soon after, the “carb hangover” began and I was not only kicking myself in the toosh for naively thinking how easy this would be, but also dying for all things carby, chocolatey and sweet. While I still long for piece of soft & heavenly chocolate chip banana bread (especially this one), I’m happy to report that for the most part I’m doing much better mentally and physically when it comes to my longtime love affair with food. I will say, however, the journey is much more enjoyable when you have a friend or spouse on it with you (shoutout to my Whole30 twin, Dani!). Continue Reading
