Motherhood + Baby

Third Trimester Bumpdate

I can’t tell if this pregnancy has flown by too quickly or dragged along too slowly, that’s a pretty weird feeling! What I do know, however, is that it has been a long hot summer here in South Florida and I’m ready for the (very) subtle shift of fall. As I type this, I’m exactly 34 weeks (WHAT?!) and starting to feel more ‘ready’ every single day. I haven’t talked about my pregnancy much, but figured now was a better time than ever to give a third trimester update for those interested!

How I’m Feeling:
Swollen! My ankles are not my best feature lately. After a brief and minor scare that left me dehydrated, I was made aware that I was having pretty strong & frequent Braxton Hicks contractions. That revelation lead my doctor to nix my Pure Barre workouts – boo! So other than feeling a little down about that, I’ve been feeling pretty good. I’m getting to the point where finding a comfortable position to lounge on the couch or sleep in is difficult, but I’m trucking along and nearing the finish line.

What I’m Missing:
Smoked fish dip has been on my mind constantly lately. You always want what you can’t have, right? All I dream about is a crunchy saltine cracker with a mound of fish dip and a slice of jalapeño on top. Who wants to volunteer to bring me some after I deliver?! I’ll also take a spicy tuna roll and a corned beef sandwich, please & thanks! I know the wine will have to wait a big longer, but it’ll be well worth the wait.

What I’m Excited For:
Besides the birth of Baby Ginz, the completion of the nursery! We just have a few more things to take care of and then it will be all set – can’t wait to share pictures. I never wanted a ‘typical’ blue boy’s nursery so we went with a gender neutral color palette of grays, taupe, ivory and mint green. I found these animal planters at Anthropologie and KNEW I needed them for the baby’s room and they fit in perfectly and gave us a ‘theme’ to work with. I’m in total nesting mode and will find myself just sitting in his room every now and then when I’m not busy washing his tiny onesies and socks!

What’s New With Baby G:
Baby Ginz (his name is top secret until he makes his debut!) is an active little guy and is measuring ahead in weight, although that’s just an estimate. He’s already head down and in position to make his way into the world, but of course we’re hoping he marinates for a few more weeks at least so that his lungs and nervous system are developed. Today, at 34 weeks, he’s about the size of a butternut squash. It’s so amazing and crazy that there’s a little human growing in my belly!

What I’m Craving:
This changes daily, but for the most part I can definitely say sugar! Dessert is always on my mind. Now that I can’t workout (besides walking), I’m trying to keep the indulgences to a minimum or make healthy swaps that feel more indulgent than they really are. I’ve been using some of Leah’s Plate’s recipes, like her Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups and those help satisfy my sweet tooth without all the extra guilt! Plus, hubby likes them too.

After an amazing baby moon spent in NYC & The Hamptons and a beautiful baby shower thrown by my friends & family (post coming soon!), I’m looking forward to taking it easy until Baby Ginz arrives. Lots of date nights, dinners with friends, and nesting before the little guy gets here and changes our world forever. Any tips from the mamas out there?


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  • Reply James September 12, 2016 at 5:38 pm

    Lovely, wonderful, perfect. Just like you!!!

    • Reply Anika September 13, 2016 at 12:45 pm

      Aww thanks Poppie-to-be!

  • Reply Cali September 12, 2016 at 9:04 pm

    Can’t wait for the updates! My only advice is to keep up those date nights after baby Ginz arrives. It’s harder to leave, but once you get into a groove as parents and find someone you trust to stay with baby you should definitely make an effort to have some (quiet) time away… Even if it’s just for a quick meal. All the best in your last weeks of pregnancy!!

    • Reply Anika September 13, 2016 at 12:44 pm

      Thank you for the advice – I love it! You know I need to get my foodie fix anyhow, so date nights are a must! 🙂

  • Reply Emi September 13, 2016 at 7:15 pm

    Movies! I can’t tell you the last time to went to a theatre. I was probably pregnant.

    • Reply Anika September 14, 2016 at 12:37 pm

      Great thinking! We might have been with you LOL.

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