Motherhood + Baby

My Registry Wish List with The Baby Cubby

Before my sweet little Henry was born and I took on the title of “mom,” I had ZERO clue what I would need besides  a crib, diapers and the obvious necessities. So when it came time to create my registry, I was beyond overwhelmed (because there is such thing as TOO much research) and ended up just choosing pretty much everything and anything I saw that looked cute & fun (& expensive).

Now that I’ve had about five months of experience with a [very particular] infant, I wish I could make my registry all over again with a company like The Baby Cubby with all the knowledge I have now. After browsing their easy-to-navigate website, I saw so many items that make me think, “ugh, we NEEDED that.” The Baby Cubby is a one stop shop for everything you need and you can create an online registry with just a few clicks. They have it all from strollers to diaper bags and everything in between. The Baby Cubby also price matches (woohoo!) and offers free US shipping for orders over $49. Curious to know what I would put on my registry if I could do it again with The Baby Cubby? Keep reading to find out!

Comotomo Bottles
While Dr. Brown’s bottles seem to be the most popular out there (of course we have those too), they are a huge pain in the you-know-what to clean since they have what seems like a million parts. Not only do the Comotomo bottles resemble a boob for the breastfeeding mamas, but they’re so easy to clean. So for those moments when dad gets to feed the babe, they’re so great (and not sold at many big box stores).

Natursutten Pacifier
Being a new mom has given me a much stronger appreciation for everything organic and natural since I hate the thought of giving my baby anything full of chemicals. While Henry, of course, adores his Wubbanub, I do wish we would’ve given him a more natural pacifier from the get go like the Natursutten (which I’ve also never seen at big box stores).

Little Unicorn Swaddles
I am such a sucker for anything palm print and HAD to have these swaddles! I love this brand of swaddles because they’re super soft and the patterns are so cute. The Baby Cubby has a large selection of Little Unicorns’s products from hooded towels to burp cloths.

Bandana Bibs
When Henry was first born, I remember asking myself why we even needed bibs. He was a “clean” eater and a bib didn’t really seem necessary in the typical newborn breastfeeding positions. Fast forward to his reflux diagnosis and BAM! We now go through about 10 bibs a day. While baby girls are accessorized with headbands and bows, my boy gets styled in trendy bibs and these are the best!

You all know by now how much of a DockATot advocate I am. It saved us when Henry was six weeks old and keeping us up all night long. The Baby Cubby has them available and all the pretty covers they offer. I wish I could’ve had this on my registry!

Spare Medela Pump Parts
While pumping isn’t pleasant whatsoever, there is nothing more unenjoyable than washing pump parts day in and day out. Having a spare (or a few) set is a huge time and sanity saver. Add them to your registry!

If you’re a new mama or mama-to-be, it’s so important to keep things easy! I’m a huge fan of online shopping (clearly) and websites like The Baby Cubby are lifesavers when you have a new baby to care for.

This post was sponsored by The Baby Cubby. All opinions are my own and recommendations are products I have personally used.


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