Everyone tells you that the time seems to fly by at double speed when you become a parent. I never believed it.. but now I realize just how true it is. I can’t believe my baby is already 11 months old and that I’m planning his first birthday party. This was quite an eventful month in our world. Henry is definitely such a “mama’s boy” right now and his separation anxiety is at an all time high! If anyone has any experience with that, I’d love to hear your advice. I can’t believe next month will be our last “monthly update!” My baby boy will soon be a toddler and I’m full of ALLL the feels. Here’s what’s been going on in the past month:
Weighing in at 22.3 lbs & 29.5 inches
Sleeping 11 hours per night (8pm-7am avg.)
Eating 3 “solid” meals per day and no more purees!
New skills:
WALKING! WHATTTT?! We were so not mentally or physically prepared for this milestone to happen so soon! We were hanging out with our neighbors and their two & four year old children during Hurricane Irma – and I think that’s how he learned so quickly!
Henry also sprouted his two upper molars (NOT fun, for anyone)
Knows how to answer when you ask what a cow, sheep, dog, lion, snake, giraffe and dentist says
When he hears the bath running he comes squealing into the bathroom all by himself, smoothies, Siete tortilla chips (oops)
Being restrained in any sense of the word – car seat, stroller, high chair, diaper changes.. UGH!
I’m, of course, looking forward to what the future brings for Henry, but also having a really hard time coping with the fact that he’s about to turn one! I’m almost done with the planning and DIY’ing for his birthday party and I can’t wait to see it come together. We’re doing a dinosaur theme and I’m so excited! I’m so interested to see what he’ll do with his smash cake (although I have a feeling I’m hyping it up too much!). Stay tuned for those pictures!
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